
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So, I Hate Doing Dishes.

When I was 14 and 15 my chore was the dishes.  Not a big deal, right? Wrong. When you come from a family of 9 there is an endless pile of dishes that need to be washed. It seemed as soon as I'd finish cleaning up, another dish would magically appear in the sink and my chore would never be completed.  Well, here I am, years later, with that pesky pile of dishes lurking in my shadow.  My daily goal is to keep the baby alive and wash the dishes.

This is what my sink looks like. Ok, not really, mine is worse.

I have grand plans for organizing and simplifying my life.  I have boxes of crafting supplies (that  I don't know how to use) and fabric for quilts and other various unfinished projects.  I am a master at pinning some seriously delicious looking food, and some beautifully designed kitchens.  I intend to stop pinning and start making these beautiful meals, and organize my cluttered closets.  Join me as I try many of these "pinned" ideas and make up some of my own.  I expect to crash and burn on plenty of them.

This is what my sink will look like after I become an expert at cooking and cleaning and organizing and mothering and exercising and remodeling my house and everything else.

We will see if those dishes ever get done.


  1. hahaha I love this. also, just now discovered your blog. ?? haha anyways, I'm sorry your teenage chore scarred you for life;)

    1. Yes Mary. Scarred for life.... I should be doing dishes right now, but I'm blogging instead.
